Plastic Strip Press.
Scandinavian Avantgarde Music.

Emile The Duke - The Duke
Catalogue number: PSPMP3001
Release date: 2007
Emile The Duke welcomes you in for a sneak peak on what he has been up
to the last two years. Emile is 23 years old and has been working hard
about eight years without much success. Things have however gotten
to the point where its only right that people should recognize.
The tunes revolve around life in Oslo, or the Big Potato as he refers
to it. Witty and ironic yet with a strong sense of harsh reality.
The following material simply free for download on the worldwide web,
while preparing The man who loved women as a debut release to be
pressed up. Yes, the young gun is busy. Produced, recorded and mixed
in his dear old mother`s apartment. Always in search for new contacts
and inspiring experiences, he hopes to touch both the bourgouis and the
working class people. We are here looking at rap music taking
a unique left at the crossroads. Without compromise and with the human
emotion in focus, this is merely the baby start of a vast and diverse
series of projects from Oslo`s new self proclaimed spokesman.
There you have it sonny.
Produced, written and recorded 2006-2007 in Emile The Dukes Little Boys Room.
Coverdesign by Mats Lande
A big thanks to the city of Oslo.
Watch out for more Emile The Duke projects coming in the fall/winter of 2007.
1. Grand Hotel
2. Hookerboy
3. Chosen Few
4. Hungover
5. Together
6. Camera
7. Keep It To Yourself
8. Phone
9. Popcorn
10. Psalm
11. Suave
12. SDT
13. The Liar
14. Reflecting
15. Bring It